Research Article

Psychometric Properties of Remote Teaching Efficacy Scale in Employed Filipino Teachers during COVID-19 Crisis

Michael B. Cahapay 1 * , Thalia Carreon 2, Kenneth Garcia 3, Erwin Rotas 4, Romina Amador 5, Jeorge Louie Anoba 6
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1 Mindanao State University, PHILIPPINES2 Balite Elementary School, PHILIPPINES3 Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School, PHILIPPINES4 Department of Education, General Santos City, PHILIPPINES5 Severo T. Inong Elementary School, PHILIPPINES6 Sto. Niño Elementary School, PHILIPPINES* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(1), February 2022, ep2202,
Submitted: 01 October 2021, Published: 20 December 2021
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This paper describes the level of remote teaching efficacy of teachers amid the COVID-19 crisis and assesses the psychometric properties of the proposed Remote Teaching Efficacy (RTE) Scale. A 10-item scale originally used in the context of online teaching was modified to suit the context of the current massive migration to emergency remote teaching. A sample of 1,061 K to 12 employed Filipino teachers were surveyed. The items of the scale were subjected to tests of internal consistency and factor analysis. The result showed that, despite the global crisis affecting the educational system, the teachers have a high level of remote teaching efficacy. On the other hand, RTE Scale demonstrated acceptable indices of corrected item-total correlations between .73 and .82. A high overall Cronbach’s alpha at .95 was also sought, supported by excellent factor loadings between .79 and .84. Thus, this paper concludes that RTE Scale is a reliable and valid scale that can be used to measure the remote teaching efficacy of teachers.


Cahapay, M. B., Carreon, T., Garcia, K., Rotas, E., Amador, R., & Anoba, J. L. (2022). Psychometric Properties of Remote Teaching Efficacy Scale in Employed Filipino Teachers during COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 2(1), ep2202.


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