Research Article
A case study on the perception of artificial intelligence by gifted students in Turkey
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1 Selçuklu Science and Art Center, Konya, TURKEY2 Necdet Ülger Primary School, Mersin, TURKEY* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 5(1), January 2025, ep2502,
Submitted: 25 May 2024, Published: 02 January 2025
OPEN ACCESS 144 Views 68 Downloads
The research was conducted to explore the perceptions of gifted students towards artificial intelligence (AI) using a qualitative research method and a case study design. The study group comprised 25 students from the Selçuklu Science and Art Center during the 2023-2024 academic year, selected through affinity sampling method. Data was gathered through metaphoric forms and semi-structured interviews, and content analysis was employed for data analysis. The findings indicated that students primarily used the human metaphor when discussing AI. Themes derived from the metaphors included human similarity, potential threats of AI, and belief in the benefits of AI. Gifted students expressed concern about the potential risks of AI, while also highlighting its advantages in education. Additionally, the majority of students believed that schools would continue to operate within an AI-supported education system, although some students expressed the view that AI could make schools obsolete. According to the findings, gifted students have expressed a perception of AI as being advantageous as well as having potential risks. Consequently, the research suggests that it would be beneficial to offer specialized training to gifted students on the responsible utilization of AI within the realm of education.
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