Research Article
Augmented reality-based teaching-learning tool, and the evolution of conceptions about “human breathing”: Fifth-grade basic Tunisian students’ case
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1 Biosurveillance and Environment Laboratory, University of Carthage, TUNISIA2 Institute of Higher Education for Childhood, University of Carthage, TUNISIA3 Institute of Higher Education and Continuing Education, Virtual University of Tunis, TUNISIA4 Regular Researcher at the Quebec Youth Research Network Chair, Education, Citizenship, and Culture (CRJQ-ECC), Faculty of Education, University of Sherbrooke, CANADA5 Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, University of Carthage, TUNISIA* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 5(1), January 2025, ep2507,
Submitted: 27 August 2024, Published: 16 January 2025
OPEN ACCESS 287 Views 166 Downloads
This study examines how teaching biology to fifth-grade children using modern technologies, such as augmented reality, can help them better understand the concept of human breathability. There are 24 volunteers total, of which 12 make up the experimental group, and the remaining half the control group. The 4-item survey was used as a basis for the methodological course. The investigation yielded two distinct outcomes. On the one hand, we saw a marked shift in the way students understood the function of breathing, the respiratory system’s makeup, and the route taken by inspired air. However, engagement with interactive three-dimensional models, breathing process visualization in real time, and the ability to visually explore the interior of the human body prompted students to assimilate knowledge more efficiently. These findings demonstrate how AR provides fresh angles for the appropriation of intricate biological ideas.
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