Research Article

Hybrid learning in higher education: Considerations for its implementation in course design

Alejandra Álvarez-Chaves 1 * , Silvia Saborío-Taylor 1
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1 Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Heredia, COSTA RICA* Corresponding Author
Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 5(1), January 2025, ep2505,
Submitted: 01 August 2024, Published: 15 January 2025
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Hybrid learning, combining face-to-face and distance instruction through digital technologies, has gained greater prominence in higher education, noted for its flexibility and adaptability. This innovative model fosters student engagement by overcoming the limitations of the traditional classroom and promoting collaborative learning and autonomy. This article presents a methodological guide for planning hybrid environments with a student-centered approach supported by digital technologies. The method is based on a literature review, providing a conceptualization and characterization of hybrid learning. It also outlines a structured guide for a university course under the hybrid model, considering available physical and virtual conditions, the degree of possible hybridization, as well as the development of learning objectives, activity design, instructional material, assessment strategies, and chronogram. The results show the experience from a thematic unit of the course “pedagogical praxis in the university context” at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, which exemplifies this planning by integrating face-to-face and virtual activities, and continuous and formative assessment. In conclusion, understanding the advantages and challenges of hybrid learning is key to developing effective methodologies focused on flexibility and personalization in higher education.


Álvarez-Chaves, A., & Saborío-Taylor, S. (2025). Hybrid learning in higher education: Considerations for its implementation in course design. Journal of Digital Educational Technology, 5(1), ep2505.


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